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    • 26 MAR 16
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    Healthy Skin And Homoeopathy

    Healthy Skin And Homoeopathy

    Sarika aged 35 yrs the mother of 2 teenagers consulted me for her skin problem. With the approach of winters her skin becomes   dry, itchy, cracked and rough. Her daily application of moisturisers and  expensive  creams make only temporary difference. She was in search of permanent solution which made her try homoeopathy.

    13The colour, texture and general condition of the skin reflects the general state of person’s health.Skin is the largest organ of the body and needs to be nourished constantly. It is the outer most covering of our body, a barrier that prevents harmful substances and micro organisms from entering our body. It controls the loss of life sustaining fluid like water and blood, protects body tissue from injury and regulates the body temperature thru perspiration. Skin provides us protection from sun’s harmful UV rays.  We have to treat our skin very gently.

    There are 5 basic skin types

    Normal-It is smooth textured and evenly toned with tiny pores. This skin type has a balanced oil and water content. It feels  smooth  and velvety. This skin type definitely needs care to maintain its look.

    Oily—this type of skin has  overactive  sebaceous glands which make the face shiny especially down the central panel of the nose, for head  and chin. The pores of this skin type are enlarged making it prone to black heads, pimples and acne. Oily skin needs special cleansing to keep the pores unplugged.

    13aDry-this type of skin lacks sebum and moisture. It looks fine textured, transparent, fragile and patchy. Dry skin flakes and chaps easily with slight exposure   to the wind, sun and cold. Repeated contact with strong soaps, chemicals and water make the skin rough and red sometimes. Dry skin is a very common skin problem and is often worse during the winter when environmental humidity is low. It can occur at all ages and in people with or without other skin problems.

    Combination-it is very common and requires separate treatment for each area. It is oily down the central panel and dry on cheeks.

    Sensitive-this type of skin reacts externally and internally to changes in life. It can be both oily and dry. It can be easily disturbed by skin care products and cosmetics. It tends to go blotchy and have broken veins at the same time. It might show a flushed or reddened look or might even itch.

    Role of diet and life style changes

    • Diet and physical activity have a very significant role in giving the skin a healthy look.
    • Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in diet.
    • Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water.
    • Include  nuts,  almonds  and resins  daily in the diet.
    • Keep the skin moisturized
    • Adopt physical  activity .Some aerobic exercises or brisk walking will  improve  blood circulation.
    • Protect the skin from sun damage by applying sun screen daily and use umbrella.
    • Reduce intake of processed  food as well as white flour and sugar.
    • Reduce chocolate and sweets intake.
    • Avoid all white foods including white bread, pasta and baked dishes.
    • Avoid  high sugar junk food and aerated drinks.
    • Take proper sleep of 7-8 hrs in night.
    • Avoid taking OTC (over the counter) drugs for off and on ailments and use of unnecessary cosmetics.

    Skin care with homoeopathy

    Homoeopathy considers skin problems to be general bodily imbalance. Homoeopathic medicines are derived from natural substances, minerals and salts. Since skin is a very delicate organ of the body homoeopathic medicines treat it gently without being harsh to the skin.  Homoeopathic medicines address the root cause of the problem and treat it as a whole, not just its symptoms. Homoeopathic medicines are safe to use. It does not aggravate the skin problems or leave any scar marks. In most of the cases treatment is advised oral only and external application is avoided. However in some cases external care is also needed when homoeopathic   ointments, gels are advised to the patients in day to day care of the skin. Homoeopathy does not advocate the strong application of the creams from which market is flooded with these days. In fact in most of the cases patients come with the skin problem after having applied creams for a longer period which leaves the skin discoloured. People should first understand the type of skin they have and then they should start applying the cream.

    In homoeopathy there are several medicines which help in having a smooth and healthy skin if taken religiously and patiently for a longer period. Some of the medicines are as follows

    Sulphur, berberis aquifolium, petroleum, natrum muraticum,asterias rubens,kali bromatum etc.

    Last but not the least having positive attitude toward life and incorporating some spiritual practices in our daily life give fresh breath to the skin.

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